About me

Nice to MEet You

Hi! I’m Emily!

I always knew I wanted to change people’s lives for the better, and that is why I fell in love with learning and development. Knowledge, when carefully provided, will always improve minds — ultimately creating a better world for all of us.

After I decided not to pursue my childhood dreams of owning an ice cream shop and being the first female president of the United States, I began to follow the path that led me to have my own company, which specializes in helping others to learn and grow in a different way.

So far, all my clients love the work I do for them. In fact, one client said, “Oh, and you are SUCH a top notch designer, Emily. Seriously. There’s no one better. You run circles around me!” I feel like my clients appreciate the quality of my work, as well as my mission. Some of us just want to bring color into an otherwise gray classroom.

I studied very hard in the US, and I am proud of my achievements. More than anything, I am happy to know now how well that effort prepared me to be the instructional designer I am today. I have the tools and experience to make a big impact in people’s lives.

Seeking to see more of this world, I decided to hop on a plane, and now I am living the expat life with my husband, Juan, and my awesome dog, Lola, in the Netherlands. Not only do I get to work with other cultures, I’m experiencing a new way of life. I am happy to report the European life is just too cool not to try out.

For specific details about my work history and education, check out my profile on LinkedIn.

Image of Emily Herrero

Let’s Work Together