Nice to MEet You
Hi! I’m Emily!
I always knew I wanted to change people’s lives for the better, and that is why I fell in love with learning and development. Knowledge, when carefully provided, will always improve minds — ultimately creating a better world for all of us.
After I decided not to pursue my childhood dreams of owning an ice cream shop and being the first female president of the United States, I began to follow the path that led me to have my own company, which specializes in helping others to learn and grow in a different way.
So far, all my clients love the work I do for them. In fact, one client said, “Oh, and you are SUCH a top notch designer, Emily. Seriously. There’s no one better. You run circles around me!” I feel like my clients appreciate the quality of my work, as well as my mission. Some of us just want to bring color into an otherwise gray classroom.
I studied very hard in the US, and I am proud of my achievements. More than anything, I am happy to know now how well that effort prepared me to be the instructional designer I am today. I have the tools and experience to make a big impact in people’s lives.
Seeking to see more of this world, I decided to hop on a plane, and now I am living the expat life with my husband, Juan, and my awesome dog, Lola, in the Netherlands. Not only do I get to work with other cultures, I’m experiencing a new way of life. I am happy to report the European life is just too cool not to try out.
For specific details about my work history and education, check out my profile on LinkedIn.